This article ONLY works when using Avonni Creator. Only customers with an active subscription that was activated on or before December 31, 2021 have access to Avonni Creator.
This article is only valid when working on a Creator project.
Invite new team members
To add new team members:
Open your organization home page
Click on the Avatar icon located on the upper-right corner
Click on "Manage Members"
Click on "People" on the left menu
Click on the "Add people" button
Enter the name, email address and role for the user to invite.
An automated email will be sent to the new user
How to access to your Avonni organization workspace.
How to access the "Manage members" page.
How to invite new users to your organization workspace.
> can change the owner of a project
> can manage (add or remove) other members
> can create projects for the organization
> can create projects for the organization
> can only edit projects the contributor has access to
> can only view projects he has access to
> can use the conversation mode
Avonni Designer vs Avonni Builder comparison table
View all the differences between Avonni Designer and Avonni Builder.