This article ONLY works when using Avonni Creator. Only customers with an active subscription that was activated on or before December 31, 2021 have access to Avonni Creator.
This article is only valid when working on a Creator project.

Version history

Version history helps you keep track of changes you've or others made to your projects. Explore a timeline of events dating back to the project's creation.

  1. View a version and see a snapshot in time.
  2. Restore previous versions.
  3. Duplicate versions to create development-ready code for developers.
  4. Create versions to make it easier to view and access some changes.
  5. Add names and descriptions to autosaved versions.

Avonni saves your work by adding checkpoints to the project's version history. Avonni records a new checkpoint after 30 minutes of inactivity (from our servers). If more than one person is working on a project, both contributors will need to be inactive for 30 minutes in order for Avonni to create a version.

Cedric starts working on a project at 10:00am, he takes a short break for 15 minutes before resuming work. At 12:30pm he heads off for an hour to grab some lunch. Avonni will save everything he worked on from 10:00am to 12:30pm as one version (unless you have created a new version manually)

Access version history

To access a project's version history, you will need to have a can view access to the project.

Access a project's version history:

  1. Open any pages or components.
  2. From the top toolbar, click on your project name, select Show Version History.
  3. Access your project version history from the right sidebar.

Create a version

You can create new versions when needed. This is great for capturing a snapshot of a page or a component at a specific time.

You can add details to describe the changes you’ve made in this design iteration, or any other details that may be relevant, like a milestone name or related task.

  1. Click on your project title located on the top toolbar.
  2. Select "Add to version history"
  3. Create a Title and Description to summarize your changes and why you made them. You can use this space to add references to milestones or tasks.
  4. To see the full descriptions at a glance make sure your descriptions are less than 140 characters.
  5. Click Save to create a new version.

View a version

To view a previous version:

  1. Open any pages or components.
  2. From the top toolbar, click on your project name, select Show Version History.
  3. From the right sidebar, select the version you'd like to view.

Restore a version

When you are browsing previous versions of a page or a component you have the option of reverting to a previous version.

To view and restore a previous version:

  1. Open any pages or components.
  2. From the top toolbar, click on your project name, select Show Version History
  3. From the right sidebar, select the version you'd like to view.
  4. From the menu icon, select "Restore".

Delete a version

You can't undo the action of deleting a version. You can name the autosaved version again to create a new checkpoint in the project's version history.

  1. Open any pages or components.
  2. From the top toolbar, click on your project name, select Show Version History
  3. From the right sidebar, select the version you'd like to view.
  4. From the menu icon, select "Delete".

Avonni Designer vs Avonni Builder comparison table

View all the differences between Avonni Designer and Avonni Builder.