This article ONLY works when using Avonni Creator. Only customers with an active subscription that was activated on or before December 31, 2021 have access to Avonni Creator.
This article is only valid when working on a Creator project.

Data and Data table


Tables are an enhanced version of an HTML table and are used to display tabular data in Salesforce. You can add any element inside a table.

  • Table and Data table elements are not mobile-ready.
  • Column widths are not adjustable yet. It's on our roadmap.

Table vs Data table

A table element gives you the ability to add any elements inside to build an enhanced table (like links, icons, buttons...). Very useful if you need to create a more complex and interactive table.

A data table element gives you only the ability to add text inside your table.  


Column: Add as many column as you like in your table.

Rows: Choose the number of rows you want to add to your table. Each row can contain any element inside.

Row Action: You can add checkbox or checkbox button to your table. Represent row to select for end-users.

Row Hover: An hover can be activated represent selection to elements when you mouse over them.

Bordered: Add a border on each row.

Column Bordered: Add a border on each column.

Striped: Addd a zebra-striping to any table row

Cell Buffer Left and right: Add a buffer margin left and/or right.

Avonni Designer vs Avonni Builder comparison table

View all the differences between Avonni Designer and Avonni Builder.