Find the most compelling reasons to create a prototype for your Salesforce application. Going straight from idea to code — without much thinking, designing, prototyping, or do some user testing is a bad. Indeed nothing brings you closer to the functionality of the final product than prototyping
The more you learn about problems in the design process, the faster the implementation on Salesforce will be.
With a prototype ready, the development cycle becomes shorter and your development process is more cost-efficient. By allowing the stakeholders to experiment your Salesforce design, you have the freedom to fail cheaply while learning more in what people want.
Almost half of all project costs are attributed to rework due to inadequate requirements. Going back to the drawing board involve new work from the designers and developers with a lot of wasted time and effort. With a user-testing prototype, you can demonstrate the functionality of the application and fix issues earlier in the process. If we go even further, the same case study cited above saw 25% reduction in post-release bugs thanks to prototyping.
“Make something people want” should be the mantra about what you are prototyping. Whether you have customers, clients, or other stakeholders, people won’t be able to tell you they want it, until they try it. The sooner you get feedback, the quicker you “make something people want”.
Prototypes are great for pitching ideas. If you’re working with skeptical stakeholders, a high-fidelity prototype will help you prove your vision more than a wordy description powerpoint or a mockup bogged down with notes.
View all the differences between Avonni Designer and Avonni Builder.